Here’s the deal with releasing an album that all your fans hate. It opens the door for new fans.

I’ve never been a New Found Glory supporter. I don’t even remember why I first listened to 2006’s Coming Home. (It was probably in advance of an interview I did with guitarist Chad Gilbert, who was quite a nice guy, by the way). But I loved it pretty much instantly.

It’s slower than their preceeding records. It’s just a collection of songs about girls and heartbreak, but it’s built on genuine melancholy, rather than just teenage emotion.

It’s a record I love to listen to front-to-back. It’s tough to even choose a favorite track, but this one will do.

Since Coming Home, NFG have released to back-to-basics albums, Not Without a Fight in 2009 and Radiosurgery in 2011. Though they don’t resonant with me in the same way, they’re both solid releases.

Hey, I guess I’m a fan now.